Portrait of Francesco di Marco Datini

The portrait of the famous Prato merchant Francesco di Marco Datini was commissioned in 1588 to the Florentine painter Ludovico Buti – a pupil of Santi di Tito and a well-known portraitist – from “Casa Pia dei Ceppi”, the important charitable institution founded by Datini and dedicated to helping the poor.
This oil painting on canvas has a vertical composition and is based on the standard model of the State portrait, typical of the official portraiture of illustrious men in the sixteenth century. Full-length, standing and with an intense look, Francesco di Marco Datini is represented wearing the typical red dress called “lucco”, combined with the traditional headdress of the same colour. Between his hands, he holds leather gloves, a symbol of one of the subject's merchant activities.
Ludovico Buti, an artist based in Prato, where he imposes himself for his bright style, reflected here in the bright red dress of the merchant, is also distinguished by his qualities as a portraitist. Datini's face reflects this, well defined and willing to express his energetic nature.
According to some archival documents, this painting on canvas was commissioned by “Casa Pia dei Ceppi” and executed by Ludovico Buti along with the one depicting Grand Duke Ferdinando I de' Medici as a cardinal. Both paintings passed to the municipality probably in 1817, when they were restored by the painter Matteo Bertini. They were exhibited inside the Town Hall, in the Great Hall that for centuries was adorned with portraits of the benefactors of Prato and the rulers.